About us

Be Brilliant

Founded in 1988 by Maire Brankin, Oxford Executive Coaching is one of the longest-established and highly-respected coaching companies in the UK, with a proven track record of making a real and lasting difference to people and organisations. Our clients are senior managers and teams, typically at board level, with whom we work to build on their existing leadership and management skills and develop their teams and organisations.

Our specialisation is working with people working in the NHS, the legal profession – especially women in the city – and government, but we also guide young talented people to find the confidence, skills and emotional literacy to release their potential and become brilliant. We believe in diversity and gender equality.

Different from the rest

What sets us apart from other coaching businesses is that we create a safe space in which our clients can explore their leadership potential; we enable intelligent specialists to become brilliant leaders. We work at the level of cultural values and personal beliefs to help them realise their organisation’s vision.

“Tread softly because you tread on my dreams”

WB Yeats

Achieving the best

In today’s world of rapid cultural change, digital divisiveness and challenging work environments, it’s even more important that people work as part of a team, not only as brilliant individuals. Our commitment to both client and individual relationships is the secret to our successful outcomes.

On an individual level, achieving one’s best performance requires change. Our job is to help people discover those changes that will transform their levels of achievement and release their true talent.

And while individual coaching improves individual performance, it doesn’t necessarily benefit the organisation. Which is why we work with senior directors and managers to improve team performance, and with board chairs and CEOs to transform corporate cultures.

All our customers and clients are different, so all our programmes are tailor made to suit them. We always work to the highest standards and subscribe to the Code of Ethics published by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council.